Vegan Diet: What is vegan diet, is it beneficial or harmful for the body?

Vegan Diet: What is vegan diet, is it beneficial or harmful for the body?

Today most people pay special attention to their diet. Apart from non-vegetarian and vegetarian, some people have also chosen vegan diet. Now the question is, what is this vegan diet and is it beneficial or harmful for the body? Today we will tell you about vegan diet. 

Vegan diet 

Let us tell you that vegan means pure vegetarian diet. Vegan diet people also do not eat dairy products. Those following vegan diet do not eat any food items derived from animals like meat, fish, milk, curd, ghee, cheese, dairy products, honey. They only eat fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts etc. obtained from plants.

Difference between veg and vegan

Actually vegan diet is just It depends only on such food items, which are either obtained directly from plants or made from plant based foods. Many times people consider vegan and vegetarian to be the same, but vegan and veg are not the same. Vegetarian people also eat things like cheese, butter, milk, curd, honey in their diet.

Let us tell you that according to a report by, ‘vegan’ Even though the word was first used in the 50s. But its roots go back to ancient Indian and West Asian cultures. In India, Hindu saints, followers of Buddhism and Jain followers used to eat such food many centuries ago. Their food has influenced the vegetarian diet in the rest of Asia as well as Europe. The idea of ​​eating vegetarian in Europe came from ancient Greece. The famous theory of mathematics ‘Pythagoras Theorem’ Pythagoras, who gave it, has widely promoted vegetarianism.

Vegan Lifestyle 

Vegan people do not follow vegan diet only in food. Some people also follow veganism in their lifestyle. Not only this, vegan followers also do not use things like leather or its products, wool, pearls etc. They argue that these things are achieved by harming animals.
The number of vegan followers has increased

According to a research conducted in America, the number of vegans has increased by 600 percent in the last 3 years. Is. Whereas in Britain there has been an increase of 400%. According to the Vegan Association, 95 crore people around the world follow vegan diet. And on 1 November, ‘World Vegan Day’ all over the world. It is also being celebrated.

 Benefits of vegan diet 

It is said about vegan diet that it maintains good health. However, according to a BBC report, a research conducted on non-vegetarian, vegetarian and vegan people shows that people who depend on plant-based foods i.e. vegans have to face some health problems. Like there may be deficiency of Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and iodine. But those who eat vegan diet reduce the risk of diseases like cancer.

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